
Saturday, 30 September 2017

Vishnu and shiva in valmiki ramayan — WAR BETWEEN LORD VISHNU AND LORD SHIVA

Vishnu and shiva in valmiki ramayan —


In bal khand of valmiki ramayan there is a war between the shiva and vishnu some people may think that this fight was between the two gods but it was between their bows that is the reason when shiva's bow was loosed then lord vishnu done the sound of humm and the fight was over.

Although this chapter looks like a interpolation because, as we know that bal khand and uttar khand of valmiki ramayan are later additions to the valmiki ramayan.
The king janak told lord rama that this bow was used by lord shiva in daksha yajna and was given to gods that gave the shiv dhanush to his ancestors but parashuram says that it is the bow used in tripurasur fight and destroyed the tripurasur. Although that bow used by lord shiva in tripura fight was mandara mountain and parashuram says when lord shiva's bow was defeated by vishnu's one he gived his bow to the king of videh.

Here is a conservation of king janaka with vishwamitra. :-

दक्षयज्ञवधे पूर्वं धनुरायम्य वीर्यवान्।रुद्रस्तु त्रिदशान् रोषात्सलीलमिदमब्रवीत्।।1.66.9।।

पूर्वम् formerly, दक्षयज्ञवधे at the time of destruction of Daksha's sacrifice, वीर्यवान् possessinggreat prowess, रुद्र: Rudra, धनु: bow, आयम्य lifting, त्रिदशान् addressing devatas, रोषात् from anger, सलीलम् sportively, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Earlier at the time of destruction of Daksha's sacrifice, Rudra endowed with greatprowess lifted this bow sportively and spoke to the gods.

यस्माद्भागार्थिनो भागान्नाकल्पयत मे सुरा:।वराङ्गाणि महार्हाणि धनुषा शातयामि व:।।1.66.10।।

सुरा: O Devatas, भागार्थिन: desiring your share, मे to me, यस्मात् for which reason, भागान् share, नाकल्पयत did not provide, व: your, महार्हाणि highly worthy, वराङ्गाणि beautiful limbs, धनुषा with bow, शातयामि sever.

'O gods in your anxiety to partake your share of the sacrifie, you have failed to provide mine in the sacrificial offerings. Therefore, I shall sever your jewelled heads and beautiful limbs with this bow'.

ततो विमनसस्सर्वे देवा वै मुनिपुङ्गव।प्रसादयन्ति देवेशं तेषां प्रीतोऽभवद्भव:।।1.66.11।।

मुनिपुङ्गव O Eminent ascetic, तत: thereater, सर्वे all, देवा: devatas, विमनस: with dejected minds, देवेशम् lord of devatas,Siva, प्रसादयन्ति propitiated, भव: Siva, तेषाम् in their matter, प्रीत: अभवत् was pleased.

"O Eminent ascetic thereafter all the gods with agitated minds propitiated lord of the gods, Siva and he was pleased with them.

प्रीतियुक्तस्स सर्वेषां ददौ तेषां महात्मनाम्।तदेतद्देवदेवस्य धनूरत्नं महात्मन:।न्यासभूतं तदा न्यस्तमस्माकं पूर्व के विभो।।1.66.12।।

स: Maheswara, प्रीतियुक्त: wellpleased, तेषाम् महात्मनाम् with those magnanimous ones, ददौ gave, विभो O Lord, महात्मन: of the exalted, देवदेवस्य lord of devatas, Siva's, तत् एतत् धनूरत्नम् that gem of weapons, तदा then, अस्माकम् our, पूर्वके with the ancestor,न्यासभूतम् in trust, न्यस्तम् deposited.

O Lord that gem of a bow belonging to Siva was given to the great gods who in turn got it deposited in trust with our ancestor.

So,here is the proof that the bow used by shiva in the sacrifice of daksha was granted to the gods by shiva and the gods given it to the ancestors of king janak

And yes the bow  used for the distruction of triple city was the mandara mountain.

Here is the proof :-

And Hara made the two mountains, viz., Gandhamadana and Vindhya, the two poles of his car. And Sankara made the earth with her oceans and forests his battle car. And the three-eyed deity made that prince of snakes, viz., Sesha, the Aksha, of that car. And that God of gods, the wielder of Pinaka, made the moon and the sun the two wheels of that vehicle. And the triple-eyed Lord made Elapatra and Pushpadanta, the two pins of the yoke. And the valiant Mahadeva made the Malaya mountains the yoke, and the great Takshaka  the string for tying the yoke to the poles, and the creatures about him the traces of the steed. And Maheswara made the four Vedas his four steeds. And that lord of the three worlds made the supplementary Vedas the bridle-bits. And Mahadeva made Gayatri and Savitri the reins, the syllable Om the whip, and Brahma the driver. And making the Mandara mountains the bow, Vasuki the bowstring, Vishnu his excellent shaft, Agni the arrow-head, and Vayu the two wings of that shafts, Yama the feathers in its tail, lightning the whetting stone, and Meru the standard, Siva, riding on that excellent car which was composed of all the celestial forces, proceeded for the destruction of the triple city.

— The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva: Drona-vadha Parva: Section CCII

And the mandara mountain was at his place after the tripurasur fight.
The proof is this that after the war of rama with ravan and even after when vishnu was incrated as krishna the mandara mountain was there.

Here is the proof :-

Arjuna saw himself journeying through the sky with Kesava. And Partha, possessed of the speed of the mind, seemed to reach, with Kesava, the sacred foot of Himavat and the Manimat mountain abounding in many brilliant gems and frequented by Siddhas and Charanas. And the lord Kesava seemed to have caught hold of his left arm. And he seemed to see many wonderful sights as he reached (those place). And Arjuna of righteous soul then seemed to arrive at the White mountain on the north. And then he beheld, in the pleasure-gardens of Kuvera the beautiful  lake decked with lotuses. And he also saw that foremost of rivers, viz., the Ganga full of water. And then he arrived at the regions about the Mandara mountains.

— The Mahabharata, Book 7: Drona Parva: Abhimanyu-badha Parva: Section LXXX

Even though other tripurasur samhara chapter says that year was the bow of rudra during tripurasur fight. But year was also back to the place as it is a particular duration of time.

So, we can say that the fight between lord shiva and lord vishnu does not really happen.

Ok,many of you would not beleving me although it is proved by the ramayan itself and by mahabharat also.

so here is some more :—

The fight took place to know which is the best bow lord shiva's one or lord vishnu's one.

इमे द्वे धनुषी श्रेष्ठे दिव्ये लोकाभिविश्रुते।दृढे बलवती मुख्ये सुकृते विश्वकर्मणा।।1.75.11।।

इमे these, द्वे two, धनुषी bows, श्रेष्ठे excellent, दिव्ये celestial, लोकाभिविश्रुते wellknown in the worlds, दृढे stout, बलवती powerful, मुख्ये best of all, विश्वकर्मणा by Visvakarma, सुकृते are well made.

"These two excellent celestial bows are well known throughout the worlds. They are stout and strong. They are the best of all, wellmade by Visvakarma.

अतिसृष्टं सुरैरेकं त्र्यम्बकाय युयुत्सवे।त्रिपुरघ्नं नरश्रेष्ठ भग्नं काकुत्स्थ यत्त्वया।।1.75.12।।

नरश्रेष्ठ O Best among men, काकुत्स्थ Rama, यत् which, त्त्वया by you, भग्नं was broken, युयुत्सवे wishing to fight, त्र्यम्बकाय for threeeyed Siva, सुरै: by devatas, अतिसृष्टं was given, त्रिपुरघ्नम् destroyer of Tripuras, एकम् one (of the two).

O Best among men O Descendant of Kakustha one of these broken by you, was given by the gods to the threeeyed Siva, who, wishing to fight the demon Tripura with this bow, destroyed him.

इदं द्वितीयं दुर्धर्षं विष्णोर्दत्तं सुरोत्तमै:।तदिदं वैष्णवं राम धनु: परमभास्वरम्।समानसारं काकुत्स्थ रौद्रेण धनुषा त्विदम्।।1.75.13।।

दुर्धर्षम् unassailable, इदम् this, द्वितीयम् second bow, सुरोत्तमै: chiefs of celestials, विष्णो: for Visnu, दत्तम् given, काकुत्स्थ born in the race of Kakutsthsa, राम Rama, परमभास्वरम् highly radiant, तत् that, इदम् this, वैष्णवम् pertaining to Visnu, धनु: bow, रौद्रेण धनुषा with the bow ofRudra, समानसारम् equal to its energy.

This second bow which is unassailable was given by chief of the celestials to Visnu. O Rama born in the race of Kakutstha this highly radiant bow of Visnu is as strong as the bow of Siva.

तदा तु देवतास्सर्वा: पृच्छन्ति स्म पितामहम्।शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च बलाबलनिरीक्षया।।1.75.14।।

तदा then, सर्वा: all, देवता: devatas, शितिकण्ठस्य bluethroated, Siva's, विष्णो: Visnu's, बलाबलनिरीक्षया to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses, पितामहम् grandsire, Brahma, पृच्छन्ति स्म enquired.

Then all the gods in order to ascertain the strength and weakness of Siva and Visnu enquired of the Grandsire, Brahma:

अभिप्रायं तु विज्ञाय देवतानां पितामह:।विरोधं जनयामास तयो स्सत्यवतां वर:।।1.75.15।।

सत्यवताम् among truth speaking ones, वर: foremost, पितामह: grandsire, Brahma, देवतानाम् devatas', अभिप्रायम् intention, विज्ञायhaving come to know, तयो: for both of them, विरोधम् quarrel,जनयामास instigated.

Foremost among the truthful, Grandsire Brahma come to know the intention of the gods and triggered a conflict between the gods

विरोधे च महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम् ।शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च परस्परजिगीषुणो:।।1.75.16।।

विरोधे in that fight, परस्परजिगीषिणो: each desirous of victory over the other, शितिकण्ठस्य Siva's, विष्णोश्च Visnu's, रोमहर्षणम् causing one's hair to stand on its end, महत् great, युद्धम् battle, अभवत् took place.

In that thrilling fight between Siva and Visnu, each desirous of victory over the other, a ferocious battle took place causing one's hair to stand on end.

तदा तु जृम्भितं शैवं धनुर्भीमपराक्रमम्।हुङ्कारेण महादेव स्तम्भितोऽथ त्रिलोचन:।।1.75.17।।

तदा then, हुङ्कारेण with 'Humkara' by Visnu, भीमपराक्रमम् dreadful prowess, शैवं धनु: Siva's bow, जृम्भितं yawned (stretched), अथ thereafter, त्रिलोचन: threeeyed, महादेव: Mahadeva, स्तम्भित: was made motionless.

Then, with the 'Humkara' produced by Visnu, Siva's bow of dreadful prowess was stretched,which struck the three eyed Mahadeva motionless.

देवैस्तदा समागम्य सर्षिसघै स्सचारणै:।याचितौ प्रशमं तत्र जग्मतुस्तौ सुरोत्तमौ।।1.75.18।।

तदा then, सर्षिसंघै: hosts of sages, सचारणै: with charanas, देवै: devatas, तत्र there, समागम्य having assembled, याचितौ beseeched, तौ those two, सुरोत्तमौ foremost of devatas, प्रशमम् peace, जग्मतु: obtained.

Then hosts of sages, charanas and the gods assembled there and beseeched both of them, the preeminent among the gods to keep peace.

जृम्भितं तद्धनुर्द्रृष्ट्वा शैवं विष्णुपराक्रमै:।अधिकं मेनिरे विष्णुं देवा स्सर्षिगणास्तदा ।।1.75.19।।

विष्णुपराक्रमै: with the prowess of Visnu, जृम्भितम् made inert, तत् that, शैवम् relating to Siva, धनु: bow, दृष्ट्वा haivng seen, तदा then, सर्षिगणा: hosts of sages, देवा: devatas, विष्णुम् Visnu, अधिकम् as superior, मेनिरे thought over.

Now that the bow of Siva was made inert by Visnu's prowess, hosts of sages and gods acknowlged Visnu as superior.

धनू रुद्रस्तु सङ्कृद्धो विदेहेषु महायशा:।देवरातस्य राजर्षेर्ददौ हस्ते ससायकम्।।1.75.20।।

सङ्कृद्ध: enraged, महायशा: renowned, रुद्रस्तु Siva, विदेहेषु in the country of Videha, ससायकम् together with arrow, धनु: bow, राजर्षे: to the royal saint, देवरातस्य devarata's, हस्ते hands, ददौ gave.

Glorious Siva, enraged at this, placed the bow together with the arrow in the hands of Rajarshi Devarata in the countryof Videha.

इदं च वैष्णवं राम धनु: परपुरञ्जयम्।ऋचीके भार्गवे प्रादाद्विष्णु: स न्यासमुत्तमम्।।1.75.21।।

राम O Rama, स: that, विष्णु: Visnu, परपुरञ्जयम् capable of conquering hostile cities, इदम् this, वैष्णवं धनु: bow of Visnu, भार्गवे belonging to Bhrigu race, ऋचीके named Richika, उत्तमम् the best, न्यासम् in trust, प्रादात् gave

.This bow of Visnu, O Rama capable of conquering hostile cities, was given in trust to Richika belonging to the race of Bhrigu.

ऋचीकस्तु महातेजा: पुत्रस्याप्रतिकर्मण:।पितुर्मम ददौ दिव्यं जमदग्नेर्महात्मन:।।1.75.22।।

महातेजा: exceedingly lustrous, ऋचीकस्तु Ruchika, पुत्रस्य tohis son, अप्रतिकर्मण: of unrivalled valour, महात्मन: of the maganimous one, मम my, पितु: father, जमदग्ने: to Jamadagni, ददौ gave.

Brilliant Ruchika gave this bow to his son, the great Jamadagni, my father, a man of unrivalled valour.

Now,it is clear that the fight was to know whose bow is strong as we seen that parashuram  told to lord rama that the bow was made by vishwkarman and lord vishnu and lord shiva fighted just to know whose bow is strong as shiva's bow was loosed when the vishnu done a sound of hummm and the battel was over.
Some people think that shiva was  paralysed or frozen there but the word stambhit means to stare or being motionless as  when lord vishnu done the sound of humm the battel was over because lord shiva's bow was broken so may be the shiva was surprised.

Ok again many will be not beleaving so there is proof from the same rama and parashuram conservation.

जडीकृते तदाऽलोके रामे वरधनुर्धरे।निर्वीर्यो जामदग्न्योऽसौ रामो राममुदैक्षत।।।1.76.11।।

तदा then, रामे when Rama, वरधनुर्धरे was bearing that excellent bow, लोके world, जडीकृते having been made motionless, असौ this, जामदग्नय:son of Jamadagni, राम: Parasurama, निर्वीर्य: bereftof prowess, रामम् Rama, उदैक्षत gazed at him.

Then when Rama stretched the great bow, the world became motionless. The son of Jamadagni, Parasurama, bereft of prowess gazed at him with astonishment.

तेजोभिहतवीर्यत्वाज्जामदग्न्यो जडीकृत:।रामं कमलपत्राक्षं मन्दं मन्दमुवाच ह।।1.76.12।।

तेजोभि: हतवीर्यत्वात् havingbeen subdued of his energy by the prowess of Rama, जडीकृत: having been made motionless, जामदग्न्य: son of Jamadagni, कमलपत्राक्षम् him whose eyes resembling lotus petals, रामम् Rama, मन्दं मन्दम् slowly, slowly, उवाच ह spoke.

His energy subdued by Rama's prowess, the paralysed, Parasurama, son of Jamadagni spoke in gentle words to him whose eyes resembled the lotuspetals:

So,now we can say as the word reffered for shiva to be paralysed or frozen was 'stambhit' ( स्तम्भित: ) which means to resemble lile a pillar the other word in the same chapter that corresponds to stambhit is 'jadikrit' ( जडीकृत: ) which means to resemble like jad. Jad sometimes refers to nature as trees do not move. So we can say that stambhit corresponds to jadikrit.

So,now let's see an examle from ram parashuram samvad

जडीकृते तदाऽलोके रामे वरधनुर्धरे।निर्वीर्यो जामदग्न्योऽसौ रामो राममुदैक्षत।।।1.76.11।।

तदा then, रामे when Rama, वरधनुर्धरे was bearing that excellent bow, लोके world, जडीकृते having been made motionless, असौ this, जामदग्नय:son of Jamadagni, राम: Parasurama, निर्वीर्य: bereftof prowess, रामम् Rama, उदैक्षत gazed at him.

Then when Rama stretched the great bow, the world became motionless. The son of Jamadagni, Parasurama, bereft of prowess gazed at him with astonishment.

Now again the word jadikrit and motionless was applied and they reffered for the three worlds. so,what three worlds were paralysed or frozen? No,the people from three worlds were staring at them.
The meaning of motionless does not refer to be paralysed or frozen but to stare.

If any shaivte is still confused that how lord shiva's bow was broken then the bow was made by vishwkarman and and was not shiva's persnal bow pinak.

     —Thanks for reading—

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