
Saturday, 30 September 2017

clasification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is entirely useless!!!.

clasification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is entirely useless!!!.

Now days clasification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is very popular. There are several things that will proof this clasification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is entirely useless!!!.

Padma Purana ,Uttara khanda,chapter 236.18–20

mātsyaṃ kaurmaṃ tathā laiṅgaṃ śaivaṃ skāndaṃ tathaiva ca /āgneyañ ca ṣaḍ etāni tāmasāni nibodha me //

"Know from me that mastya,kurma,linga,siva,so also Skanda and Agni are tamasa(vicious)."

vaiṣṇavaḥ nāradīyañ ca tathā bhāgavataṃ śubhaṃ /gāruḍañ ca tathā pādmaṃ vārāhaṃ śubhadarśane //

“ The Vaisnava,Naradiya,Bhagavata,Garuda,Padma,Varaha should be known to be sattvika and should be considered auspicious."

sāttvikāni purāṇāni vijñeyāni ca ṣaṭ pṛthak /brahmāṇḍaṃ brahmakaivartaṃ mārkaṇḍeyaṃ tathaiva ca //bhaviṣyad vāmanaṃ brāhmaṃ rājasāni ca ṣaḍvidhāḥ /"

Know from me that, Brahmanda,Brahmavaivarta, Markendeya, Bhavishya,Vamana and Brahma are rajasa (endowed with the quality of passion).

"The Kurma Purana(2.43.49), Skanda Purana and theMatsya Purana(53.68-69) together states as follows:

sāttvikeṣu purāṇeṣu māhātmyamadhikaṃ hareḥ /rājaseṣu ca māhātmyam adhikaṃ brahmaṇo viduḥ //tadvadagneśca māhātmyaṃ tāmaseṣu śivasya ca

"In the Puranas in the mode of goodness, the focus is the glories ofLord Hari. Those in the mode of passion, the focus is on the glories of Lord Brahma. Similarly, those in the mode of ignorance, the focus is on the glories of Lord Siva and Agni.
So, these are the verses from different purans. Which say that the clasification of purans are on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas.

There are several things that will proof this clasification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is entirely useless!!!.

They are mentioned below:-

★Scholars considers the classfication of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is said to be "entirely fancifull".

★Padma puran is an un-authentic puran. Like matsya puran was narrated itself by lord vishnu in the form of matsya to manu. But it doesn't have anything like that.

★This is just a padma puran's parva interpolated the bhramand puran was once vayu puran which is considred as a shaiv puran but it's coninues revesion led to make it bharamanda puran also known as vaiyavi puran which is a vaishnav puran. That's why it contains a lot of verses from vayu puran. So,if a full puran can be converted to different puran then uttar khand contains just only a chapter why could it not be a interpolation.

★The pattern of how this puran is made shows that its kandas are written in diffrent eras by different aurhors.

★The uttar khand of padma puran is itself a vaishnav text.

★Padma puran belongs to 4th century and completed all along 12th century then also it says purans tamsik that are older than that lile matsya puran which belongs to 3d century ok,leave that it contains purans that were not even present at that time and make them satwik also like varah puran belongs to 18th century and is  said very non-authentic by scholars.

★It contains stories that are found nowhere in any other puran even that satwik ones like birth of ganesh and kartikeya story in padma puran even is not accepted in ramayan.

★Mahabharat,ramayan and many other purans say that the parshu of parashuram was given by lord shiva. But padma puran uttar khand says that the parashu of parashuram was given by lord vishnu.

★Why lord shiva will say that purans that discribes his glory are tamsik in nature or bad.

★The final evidence is from the padma puran only. Although it is a vaishnav puran but it do not say other purans are bad or lead to hell.


According to Suta, all the Puranas are nothing but the mediums through which Sri Hari manifests himself---Brahma Purana is said to be the forhead of Sri Hari, Padma Purana is said to be the 'heart' of Sri Hari, Vishnu Purana is said to be the 'right arm' of Sri Hari. Shiva Purana is said to be the 'left arm' of Sri Hari. Srimad Bhagawat is said to be his 'thigh', Narada Purana is said to be his 'navel', Markendeya Purana is said to be his 'right-foot'. Agni Purana is said to be his 'left foot', Bhavish Purana is said to be his 'right-knee', Brahma Vaivrata Purana is said to be his 'leftknee'. Linga Purana is said to be his 'right ankle', Varaha Purana is said to be his 'left ankle', Skanda Purana is said to be the hair on the body of 'Sri Hari. Vamana Purana is said to be his skin. Kurma Purana is said to be his back. Matsya Purana is said to be his stomach. Garuda Purana is said to be his bone-marrow. Brahmanda Purana is said to be his bone. So, all the Puranas being manifestation of different parts of Sri Hari's body are very sacred and capable of bestowing salvation.

— padma puran book 2.5

Now the padma puran says all purans are sacred and leads to salavation.

Now, Prakasa samhita (one ofthe pancharatra samhita) states as follows:

vārāhaṃ vaiṣṇavaṃ pādmaṃ vāyuproktaṃ ca gāruḍam /śrīmadbhāgavataṃ caiva sātvikānīti hi śrutiḥ // PS_1,4.32 //

“ Varaha ,Vishnu,Padma, Vayu,Garudam and the Srimad bhagavata purana are sattvik puranas.

”brahmāṇḍaṃ brahmavaivartaṃ mārkaṇḍeyaṃ ca vāmanam /bhaviṣyaṃ nārasiṃhaṃ ca rājasāni ṣaḍaiva hi // PS_1,4.33 //

“Brahmanda, Brahmavaivarta, Markendeya,Vamana,Bhavishya and Narsimha purana are always rajasic.

”mātsyaṃ kaurmyaṃ tathā laiṅgyaṃ śaivaṃ skāndaṃ tathaiva ca /pāśupatasaṃjñikaṃ ceti tāmasāni vido viduḥ // PS_1,4.34 //

“Matysa, Kurma,Linga,Siva,Skanda and the Pasupata sastra are the tamasic in nature.

Well this book (Prakasa samhita) is one of the pancharatra samhita which is a angma not a puran,shastra or any thing related to puranic purans. Even angmas are both vedic and non-vedic too and besiding all the Prakasa samhita is one of the pancharatra samhita which is a vaishnava text.
Here is the proof:—

The Agama literature is voluminous, and includes 28 Shaiva Agamas, 77 Shakta Agamas (also called Tantras),and 108 Vaishnava Agamas (also calledPancharatraSamhitas), and numerous Upa-Agamas

”TheGaruda Purana(3.1.52) confirms:

visnoh puranam bhagavatam puranam sattvottamam garudam cahur aryah

“The Aryans declare thatVisnu Purana, Bhagavata PuranaandGaruda Puranaare the best of the Puranas inthe mode of goodness."

Even though matsya puran is one of the oldest purans but it gives the story of trimurti as when bhraman divided himself into bhramha,vishnu and mahesh the puran which gives such equality of trimurti can diffrentiate gods on the basis of nature satwa,rajas and tamas.
And exept the skandha puran which is the most interpolated puran rest all purans belongs to vaishnvism.
And just because padma puran contains a story type for that thats why i have given points only on padma puran rest every puran contains just a verse and that is nothing but a interpolation. This is the reason why mahabharat do not mention lord bhramha, lord vishnu and lord shiva on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas. But all equal even in the harivamsa parva of mahabharat oldest book dedicated to lord krishna.


There is nothing like mishrit purans because logically everywhere this thing is written :-

mātsyaṃ kaurmaṃ tathā laiṅgaṃ śaivaṃ skāndaṃ tathaiva ca /āgneyañ ca ṣaḍ etāni tāmasāni nibodha me //

"Know from me that mastya,kurma,linga,siva,so also Skanda and Agni are tamasa(vicious)."

vaiṣṇavaḥ nāradīyañ ca tathā bhāgavataṃ śubhaṃ /gāruḍañ ca tathā pādmaṃ vārāhaṃ śubhadarśane //

“ The Vaisnava,Naradiya,Bhagavata,Garuda,Padma,Varaha should be known to be sattvika and should be considered auspicious."

sāttvikāni purāṇāni vijñeyāni ca ṣaṭ pṛthak /brahmāṇḍaṃ brahmakaivartaṃ mārkaṇḍeyaṃ tathaiva ca //bhaviṣyad vāmanaṃ brāhmaṃ rājasāni ca ṣaḍvidhāḥ /"

Know from me that, Brahmanda,Brahmavaivarta, Markendeya, Bhavishya,Vamana and Brahma are rajasa (endowed with the quality of passion).

"The Kurma Purana(2.43.49), Skanda Purana and theMatsya Purana(53.68-69) together states as follows:

sāttvikeṣu purāṇeṣu māhātmyamadhikaṃ hareḥ /rājaseṣu ca māhātmyam adhikaṃ brahmaṇo viduḥ //tadvadagneśca māhātmyaṃ tāmaseṣu śivasya ca

"In the Puranas in the mode of goodness, the focus is the glories ofLord Hari. Those in the mode of passion, the focus is on the glories of Lord Brahma. Similarly, those in the mode of ignorance, the focus is on the glories of Lord Siva and Agni.

No where is written about any puran is mishrit somewhere not in purans but like where here only it is written that the purans which gives equality to all gods are focus on godness saraswati,or ansestors.

But all 18 majar purans are totally divided on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas. Nowhere is mentioned about mishrit purans.


Some people say that shaiv purans are tamsik because the are less-vedantik and do not give the knoledge of shruti or vedas. Well they say vedas say about supremacy of narayan only. Well they give some verses from narayan sukta to show narayan supremacy. Well i will tell that this is not the fact because, narayan sukta is not from vedas but from taitraiya aranyaka which is linked to yajurveda there are also other aranyakas linked to yajurveda and where they say about narayan's supremacy and say narayan as purush at the same place rudra is also said to be the alone purush. So, shruti says about equality of rudra and narayan. And then shaiv purans are not tamsik.


Some people say that shaiv purans are tamsik because  they do not coresspond to smriti and say smriti knows only one rudra as son of bhramha and not one who is unborn. So, it is a wastefull talk the mahabharat say rudra to be unborn the vayu puran which is the oldest puran and finds its mentioning in mahabharat also says rudra is just a partial incration of shiva along with 11 rudras. Shwetashwatra upnishad which is a mukhya upnishad also says that shiva and rudra are different.

The mahabharat says that shiva and rudra are different :-

Thou art he that hadst created from thy right side the Grandsire Brahma, the Creator of all things. Thou art he that hadst created from thy left side Vishnu for protecting the Creation. Thou art that puissant Lord who didst create Rudra when the end of the Yuga came and when the Creation was once more to be dissolved. That Rudra, who sprang from thee destroyed the Creation with all its mobile and immobile beings, assuming the form of Kala of great energy, of the cloud Samvartaka (charged with water which myriads of oceans are not capacious enough to bear), and of the all consuming fire. Verily, when the period comes for the dissolution of the universe, that Rudra stands, ready to swallow up the universe. Thou art that Mahadeva, who is the original Creator of the universe with all its mobile and immobile entities.

— The Mahabharata, Book 13: Anusasana Parva: Anusasanika Parva: Section XIV


Some people say that tamsik purans do not show good curiosity or jigyasa and directly asks about the glory of lord shiva.

Well i will compare the verses from starting chapter of shiva puran,matsya puran ,padma puran and srimad bhagwatm.

Two of them shiva puran and matsya puran as tamsik.

Two of them padma puran and srimad bhagwatam is satwik.

Let's begain


First of all, Sage Shaunak expressed his desire to Suta about knowing the means, which could help a man in this era of Kali to attainment lord Shiva, by cleansing all the impurities of his mind and rectifying his inherent demonic tendencies. Suta then described about Shiva Mahapurana - the supreme of all the Puranas, which was narrated by Lord Shiva himself and which was later on retold by Sage Vyasa with the permission of Maharshi Sanatkumar, for the benediction of common man. Suta said, "By understanding the mysteries of ShivmahaPurana and singing its praises, a man attains greater virtues than that which could be attained by being charitable or by the performance of all the `yagyas'. Contemplating on the subject matters of Shiva Mahapurana give auspicious fruits just like a 'Kalpa-taru' (A mythological tree which fulfills all the wishes). Shiv Mahapurana contains twenty-four thousand shlokas and seven Samhitas which are Vidyeshwar, Rudra, Shatrudra, Koti Rudra, Uma, Kailash, and Vayviya. Shiva Mahapurana is the best means for man's liberation.

— shiva puran, chapter1


Having revealed the contents of all the Puranas to his son Ugrashrava, Sage Lomaharshan instructed him to go to 'Naimisharanya' and spread it among the sages doing penance over there.  There is an interesting tale how this sacrosanct forest of Naimish derived its name --  Once, the sages sought Lord Vishnu's help in finding a suitable place, where they could perform their religious activities unhindered. Lord Vishnu released his chakra and instructed them to follow it. 'This chakra had many circumferences (Nemi) and all of you can commence your penance at the place where one of them gets detached from the chakra' ---said Lord Vishnu.  The Sages followed the chakra as per the instruction of Lord Vishnu. Once of the circumferences of chakra got detached and fell at a place called Gangavarta. In course of time this particular place was famous as 'Naimish' because the term 'Nemi' in Sanskrit means circumference. When Ugrashrava who was popularly known as 'Suta' reached 'Naimisharnya' all the sages received him with enlighten all the sages on the divine tales of Padma Purana.  Suta replied--- Padma Purana consists of five sections and fifty-five thousand shlokas. The names of these sections are Srishti-Khand, Bhumi-Khand, Swarg Khand, Patal Khand and Uttam-Khand. The tales of Padma Purana praise the glory of Lord Vishnu. These tales were narrated to Lord Brahma by Lord Vishnu himself, who in turn propagated them in this world through various sages.

— padma puran,shrishti khand,chapter1

Now we can see both purans one tamsik shiva puran and one satwik padma puran both says to narrate a particular puran.

Now we will do this again with matsya puran which is a tamsik puran and srimad bhagwatam which is a satwik puran.


There was a forest known as Naimisharanya. Many years ago, several sages organized a yajna (sacrifice) in the forest. After the sacrifice was over, the assembled sages told Lomaharshana. ―You have recited to us many Puranas. These accounts are so sacred that we would like to hear them once more. Please satisfy our thirst for knowledge. " ―I will recount for you the most holy of all the Puranas," replied Lomaharshana. ―This is the great Matsya Purana, told by Vishnu to Manu. Prepare your minds, for I am about begin.

— matsya puran,chapter1


In the beginning of the Kali Yuga, sages like Shaunak et al organized a vast Jnana Yagya in the holy region of the Naimisharanya. The purpose of the yagya was the benefit of the common people and it was to last for a millennium. To quench the spiritual curiosity of the sages, Suta, the orator of Puranas, also arrived there. Felicitating him, the sages asked Suta, " O great sage, by the grace of Vyasa, you have learned all the Puranas, history, religion etc. You also know about all the other subjects as well. So kindly narrate the tale which could surely benefit the common people so that they too can experience the real spiritual joy."  Pleased by the curiosity of the sages, Suta said, " O great sages, it is extremely auspicious to talk about Lord Krishna. Only by discussing about the God, can the mind of the people be freed from illusions. Love then begins to emerge in it for God and it begins to detach itself from physical comfort and experience the blissful joy.

— srimad bhagwatam, chapter1

Now,we can see both matsya puran which is a tamsik puran and srimad bhagwatam which is a satwik puran asks just to give the good knoledge.

So,we can say that the curiosity or jigyasa can not judge a puran every puran starts with his own manner.
Yes,it is true that most of the vaishnav purans starts with right curiosity of knoledge but only some it is not nessasory every.

So,we can say that the clasification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is entirely useless.

And other purans like matsya puran,kurma puran and skhanda puran says same thing of siva purans as tamsik.

But,all of them include varah puran as a satwik puran which is a 18 th century text means because none of these belong to 18th century so,it is clear that it is an interpolation.

Now it is cleared that the classification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is useless.

Then also i have my own thinking on this topic :-

Tamas is sometimes reffered as ignorant, but it also refers as darkness or the absolute when nothing was there.

So,let's move towards the mahabharat verse to show this —

Here narayan is the ultimate god.

The Sruti declares,--Day was not. Night was not. Aught was not. Naught was not. In the beginning there was only Tamas  in the form of the universe, and she is the night of Narayana of universal form. Even this is the meaning of the word Tamas.

— The Mahabharata, Book 12: Santi Parva: Section CCCXLII

Then we know darkness  means tamas then see what vedas say about it in this hymn:-

**Well i am giving the full hymn as it is a good hymn.**


1. THEN was not non-existent nor existent: there was no realm of air, no sky beyond it.What covered in, and where? and what gave shelter? Was water there, unfathomed depth of water?

2 Death was not then, nor was there aught immortal: no sign was there, the day's and night's divider.That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.

3 Darkness there was: at first concealed in darkness this All was indiscriminated chaos.All that existed then was void and form less: by the great power of Warmth was born that Unit.

4 Thereafter rose Desire in the beginning, Desire, the primal seed and germ of Spirit.Sages who searched with their heart's thought discovered the existent's kinship in the non-existent.

5 Transversely was their severing line extended: what was above it then, and what below it?There were begetters, there were mighty forces, free action here and energy up yonder

6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation?The Gods are later than this world'sproduction. Who knows then whence it first came into being?

7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it,Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.

So,the vedas say darkness was there at first and the first universal nothingness  darkness means tamas that we got from mahabharat.

Let's see what come after that tamas.

The shwetaswatra upnishad is one of the mukhya upnishads.
The shwetaswatra upnishad 4.18 also says the glory of tamas.

IV-18: When ignorance is dispelled, there is neither day nor night, neither being nor non-being. There is only  shiva who is imperishable, and who is worthy of being adored by the creator. From Him has proceeded the ancient wisdom.

So, we can say that the tamas guna refered for god rudra and the tamsik purans is reffered as which gives knoledge of absolute and take away from materlastik world to the absolute truth. Or if someone do not beleive this then i have already proofed the classification of purans on the basis of satwa-rajas-tamas is entirely useless.

And it even does not correspond to vedic knowledge.

Here is the proof:—

13 Glory to Gods, the mighty and the lesser glory to Gods the younger and the elder! Let us, if we have power, pay the God worship: no better prayer than this, ye Gods, acknowledge.

—Rig veda 1.27.13

Vedas say to give equal respect to all gods.

       —Thanks for reading—


  1. Great one, the efforts you have put into understanding, learning and putting your knowledge into a blog is commendable👏👏👏 Well I have a different take on the classification of puranas as Satvika, Rajasika and Tamasika. I believe, for Tamasik people Tamasik puranas were discouraged, for them Satvik is good. Because a Tamasik person if reads Tamasik related knowledge, he will gain that power and abuse it. Tamasik puranas are for Satvik people and permutation combinations must happen based on the person's category. Because Shiva, the very name is auspicious but his puranas are considered Tamasik is because it consists yogic knowledge. If you usually observe, Vishnu related puranas only focus on Vishnu being the savior. Although in almost all of Vishnu related puranas, Shiva is praised highly and also said he is the Supreme soul because everytime Vishnu was in distress, Shiva came for help. Coming to the point, Vishnu related puranas usually dwells into bhakti yoga. But Shiva related ones are about Knowledge, gyana yoga, yogic powers and individual energies. Shiva is for destruction of the existing entities, the process is Tamasik but not Shiva. Similarly, the yogic energies if abused will be Tamasik but they in their true nature is an absolute truth.
