Rudra and vishnu's equality are proved in vedas.
There are vedic verses to prove it.
Here it is :-
अस्य देवस्य मीळ्हुषो वया विष्णोरेषस्य परभ्र्थे हविर्भिः |विदे हि रुद्रो रुद्रियं महित्वं यासिष्टं वर्तिरश्विनाविरावत ||
With offerings I propitiate the branches of this swift-moving God, the bounteous Viṣṇu.Hence Rudra gained his Rudra-strength: O Aśvins, ye sought the house that hath celestial viands.
— Rig veda:book 7:hymn 40.5
Here it is said that rudra derives his rudra strength from vishnu.
Let's move forward.
इमा रुद्राय सथिरधन्वने गिरः कषिप्रेषवे देवाय सवधाव्ने |अषाळ्हाय सहमानाय वेधसे तिग्मायुधाय भरता शर्णोतु नः ||स हि कषयेण कषम्यस्य जन्मनः साम्राज्येन दिव्यस्य चेतति |अवन्नवन्तीरुप नो दुरश्चरानमीवो रुद्र जासु नो भव||
To Rudra bring these songs, whose bow is firm and strong, the self-dependent God with swiftly-flying shafts,The Wise, the Conqueror whom none may overcome, armed with sharp-pointed weapons: may he hear our call.
Rig veda:book7:hymn46.1
Here it is said that rudra is self-dependent god. Means who is not dependent on anybody else.
So,whats the matter one verse says rudra derives his rudra strength from vishnu and one verse says that rudra is self-dependent means who is not dependent on anybody else?
Here's the answer:-
“Salutations to Him who is the source of all things. And to Him who is the destroyerof all ills. Salutations to the destroyer and to the protector of all beings in bondage. Salutations to Him who dwells on the mount and who is in the form of Shipivista (Vishnu)“.
29 Homage to him with braided hair and to him with shavenhair, homage! homage to the thousand-eyed and to himwith a hundred bows, homage!To the mountain-haunter and to Sipivishta, homage!To the most bountiful, armed with arrows, homage!
—— yajurveda,book16.29
Yes, rudra who is in the form of vishnu. Both rudra and vishnu are one that's why rudra derives strength from vishnu and is also self-dependent because both rudra and vishnu are one. So,in real rudra do not derive his strength from vishnu. Because, Rudra is vishnu and vishnu is rudra.
Vedas discribe all gods as one known as BHRAMAN who is nameless and formless.
Some may be thinking what is this Shipivista. It is a vedic name of visnu.
Here is the proof from rig veda:-
What was there to be blamed in thee, O Viṣṇu, when thou declaredst, I am Sipivista?Hide not this form from us, nor keep it secret, since thou didst wear another shape in battle.
— rig veda:book7:hymn-120.6
O Viṣṇu, unto thee my lips cry Vaṣaṭ! Let this mine offering, Sipivista, please thee.May these my songs of eulogy exaltthee. Preserve us evermore, ye Gods, with blessings.
—Rig veda:book7:hymn-120.7
Although vedas refer to only one purush with no name but taitrayi aranyaka made both narayan and rudra purush.
** Here purush means cosmic man **
Taittrayi aranyaka where gives narayan sukta as an appendix to purush sukta and make narayan supreme. Same book says that rudra is alone purush.
ṛtagï satyaṁ paraṁ brahmapuruṣaṁ kṛṣṇapiṅgalam,ūrdhvaretaṁ virūpākśaṁ viśvarūpāya vai namo namaḥ.
Prostrations again and again to the Omni-formed Being,the Truth, the Law, the Supreme Absolute, the Purusha of blue-decked yellow hue, the Centralised-force Power, the All-seeing One.
— narayan sukta
sarvo vai rudrastasmai rudrāya namo astupuruṣo vai rudraḥ sanmaho namo namaḥviśvaṃ bhūtaṃ bhuvanaṃ citraṃ bahudhā jātaṃ jāyamānaṃ ca yatsarvo hyeṣa rudrastasmai rudrāya namo astu ॥ 1॥
All this verily is Rudra. To Rudra who is such we offer our salutation. We salute again and again that Being, Rudra, who alone is the Purusha and theSoul of creatures. The material universe, the created beings, and whatever there is manifoldly and profusely created, in the past and in the present, in the form of the world—all that is indeed this Rudra. Salutations be to Rudra who is such.
— taittrayi aranyaka,book10,same book where the narayan sukta is mentioned.
Narayanan is ever-present and eternal; He is omnipotent and omnipresent; Brahma, Siva, Indra, all are Narayana himself. He indeed, is all forms of time, space and direction. All directions of up, down, sides, in and out are His shadow-cast. All that is existing and the ones to come into existence are Narayana Himself. The Single Supreme Being, devoid of any form of impurity, which cannot be expressed in words, and which is the purest of all pure, is Narayanan. There is nothing above Him and no second power than His. That one who understands this as such becomes the Narayana Himself; he becomes the Narayana Himself .” – Thus asserts one of the Upanishads in the Yajur Veda.
Rudra is the embodiment of all Devas. All devas are merely different manifestations of Sri Rudra Himself. On the right side of Rudra, there is the sun, then the four-headed Brahma, and then three Agnis (fires). On the left side, there exist Sri Umadevi, and also Vishnu and Soma (moon). Uma Herself is the form of Vishnu. Vishnu Himself is the form of the moon. Therefore, those who worship Lord Vishnu, worship Siva Himself. And those who worship Siva, worship Lord Vishnu in reality. Those who envy and hate Sri Rudra, are actually hating Sri Vishnu. Those who decry Lord Siva, decry Vishnu Himself.
you don't have to twist yourself into knots to explain
अस्य देवस्य मीळ्हुषो वया विष्णोरेषस्य परभ्र्थे हविर्भिः |विदे हि रुद्रो रुद्रियं महित्वं यासिष्टं वर्तिरश्विनाविरावत ||
With offerings I propitiate the branches of this swift-moving God, the bounteous Viṣṇu.Hence Rudra gained his Rudra-strength: O Aśvins, ye sought the house that hath celestial viands.
this is a wrong translation. All you have to do is look at modern translations.